Course Selection
Course Selection for Grades 10-12
The Course Selection process for high school students will begin on January 22, 2025, with a presentation from our guidance department during RtII. That day, students will participate in a course selection advisory lesson and gain access to the 2025-2026 LSHS Course Selection Guide, presentation, and HS course planning sheet. We encourage all students to continue to review and use these tools when completing their course selection for next school year.
We have also implemented the use of Course Recommendations, where teachers will digitally record students’ core course recommendations for next year. We believe this will assist students in selecting appropriate core courses that help them complete requirements and work towards the appropriate course progression for graduation. Finally, we encourage all students to speak with their teachers, counselors, parents, siblings, and mentors when selecting courses for 2025-2026. Parents, should your son/daughter have a question about their course selection for next year, please have them contact their guidance counselor to make an appointment, and we will be sure to help them make the right selections.
Course Selection Timeline
January 22 - Course Selection Presentation during RtII period (TV)
January 24 - Course Selection Window opens for 10th-12th graders
February 7 - Course Selection Window closes for 10th-12th graders
Course Selection Guide
Course Selection Sheets
For specific questions related to course selection, please get in touch with your child's guidance counselor:
Edward Krasnai
(last names A-G)
Claudine Hart
(last names H-O)
Alysha Evans*
(last names P-Z)
*substituting for Maya Noll for the 2024-2025 school year.