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Buses line up outside a school

Welcome to Lampeter-Strasburg High School! 

Getting Started

New Drop-Off and Pick-Up Traffic Pattern

With the intention of increasing safety, we will be implementing a new traffic pattern on the high school property. The adjustments are designed to alleviate congestion and enhance safety during drop-off and pick-up times. (These changes affect the cars on campus; school bus patterns remain the same.) We will have high school staff outdoors to assist with the traffic patterns in the first few days of school.

a map of the new high school pick up and drop off traffic pattern as of August 2024

For parents dropping off students (follow red arrows):
Upon entering the high school campus from Book Road, parents will pass the administrative parking lot and take the next RIGHT. Parents will pass the high school office and continue on that route as far as they can proceed along the sidewalk until traffic stops just before the PAC but not beyond the next intersection. It is important that parents continue driving as far forward as possible before having students exit their vehicles rather than dropping students off at the front door of the high school. This will expedite drop off and reduce the backup of cars. Students arriving with parents may enter either at the PAC or at the front doors, but parents must remember to pull forward as far as possible before having students exit the vehicle. After dropping off, parents will proceed with traffic and turn left before the PAC doors, continue straight to the exit, and proceed left toward Book Road to leave campus. (Parents should not proceed past the PAC entrance.) This change is aimed at increasing student safety as our student drivers and their passengers cross the lot to enter the building. We also gently remind parents that the district provides transportation, and we encourage parents who must drive to/from school to wait patiently and not to pass other cars on the left in haste during drop-off/pick-up times.

For student drivers with parking permits (follow yellow arrows):
Students will enter the student parking lot only from the last intersection that leads into the student (and event) parking area. This will separate student drivers from parents dropping off and ultimately create a safer environment for all, as well as provide safety as students and their passengers cross the lot to enter through the PAC doors.


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Even More Info

High School Administration

Dr. Ben Feeney - Principal

Mr. Brandon Heuyard - Assistant Principal (students M-Z)

Mrs. Melissa Swarr - Assistant Principal
(students A-L)

High School Office Staff

Mrs. Shannon Spahr - Receptionist

Mrs. Sheila Raymond - Athletic Secretary

Mrs. Brigid Hillen - Attendance Secretary

Mrs. Sarah Harsh - Principals' Secretary

  • Student Lunch - $3.25
  • Student Breakfast - $2.00
  • Adult Lunch - $5.00
  • Adult Breakfast - $3.00

Please visit the food service department page for menus, nutritional information, and more. Parents may put money into their child's account by cash or check, or pay online through SchoolCafe and apply for Free and Reduced Lunch.