Planning for College
For students headed to post-secondary education or a career in the military.
Post-Secondary Planning by Grade
9th Grade
Action Plan: High School Freshmen Fall Plan for the Year Ahead
- Meet with your counselor to discuss your college plans. Review your schedule with him or her to make sure you're enrolled in challenging classes that will help you prepare for college. Colleges prefer four years of English, history, math, science, and a foreign language.
- Use College Search to find out the required courses and tests of colleges that you might be interested in attending.
- Start a calendar with important dates and deadlines.
- Get more involved with your extracurricular activities.
- Go to college fairs in your area. Winter Learn about Colleges.
- Learn about college costs and how financial aid works.
- Use the College Savings Calculator to see how much money you'll need for college, whether you're on track to save enough, and what you need to do to reach your goal. Talk to your parents about financing college.
- Visit colleges while they're in session.
- Find out about college firsthand from college friends who are home for the holidays. Prepare for Tests.
- Talk to your counselor and teachers about taking SAT Subject Tests™ in your strong subjects this spring. Take Subject Tests such as World History, Biology E/M, and Chemistry while the material is still fresh in your mind. Spring Stay Focused.
- Sign up for college preparatory courses. Consider AP® courses.
- Study for May AP Exams. Get free AP preparation. Explore Summer Opportunities.
- Look for a great summer opportunity — job, internship, or volunteer position.
- Check with your counselor and search online for summer school programs for high school students at colleges. Summer Make the Most of Your Break.
- Start a summer reading list. Ask your teachers to recommend books.
- Plan to visit college campuses to get a feel for your options. Start with colleges near you.
- Finalize your summer plans.
10th Grade
Action Plan: High School Sophomores Fall Plan for the Year Ahead
- Meet with your counselor to discuss your college plans.
- Review your schedule with him or her to make sure you're enrolled in challenging classes that will help you prepare for college. Colleges prefer four years of English, history, math, science, and a foreign language.
- Start a calendar with important dates and deadlines.
- Get more involved with your extracurricular activities.
- Use College Search to find out the required courses and tests of colleges that you might be interested in attending.
- Go to college fairs in your area. Consider Taking the PSAT/NMSQT®.
- Sign up for the PSAT/NMSQT, which is given in October. Ask your counselor which date is offered at your school. Get free online PSAT/NMSQT practice.
- If you're taking the PSAT/NMSQT check 'yes' for Student Search Service® to hear about colleges and scholarships. Winter Prepare for Tests.
- Use the access code on your PSAT/NMSQT score report to sign in to My College QuickStart™. With this personalized planning kit, you can prepare for the SAT using a study plan based on your PSAT/NMSQT results and explore lists of suggested colleges, majors, and careers.
- Talk to your counselor and teachers about taking SAT Subject Tests™ in your strong subjects this spring. Take Subject Tests such as World History, Biology E/M, and Chemistry while the material is still fresh in your mind. Learn about Colleges.
- Learn about college costs and how financial aid works.
- Use the College Savings Calculator to see how much money you'll need for college, whether you're on track to save enough, and what you need to do to reach your goal. Talk to your parents about financing college.
- Visit colleges while they're in session.
- Find out about college firsthand from college friends who are home for the holidays. Spring Stay Focused.
- Sign up for college preparatory courses. Consider AP® courses.
- Study for May AP Exams. Get free AP preparation. Explore Summer Opportunities.
- Look for a great summer opportunity — job, internship, or volunteer position.
- Check with your counselor and search online for summer school programs for high school students at colleges. Summer Make the Most of Your Break.
- Start a summer reading list. Ask your teachers to recommend books.
- Plan to visit college campuses to get a feel for your options. Start with colleges near you.
- Finalize your summer plans.
11th Grade
Action Plan: High School Juniors Fall
- Take the PSAT/NMSQT
- At school, sign up early to take the PSAT/NMSQT® in October. Get PSAT/NMSQT tips and a free practice test. Start Your College Search.
- Start with you: Make lists of your abilities, preferences, and personal qualities. List things you may want to study and do in college.
- Jumpstart your college planning by reading about majors and careers.
- Use College Search to find colleges with the right characteristics. Start Thinking about Financial Aid.
- Talk to your counselor about your college plans and attend college night and financial aid night at your school. Use financial aid calculators to estimate your aid eligibility and college costs. Winter Plan Your Spring Testing Schedule.
- You can take either the SAT Reasoning Test™ or up to three SAT Subject Tests™ on one test day. Plan your testing schedule carefully if you want to take both types of SAT®. See the SAT schedule of test dates and register online for the SAT.
- Use the access code on your PSAT/NMSQT score report to sign in to My College QuickStart™. With this personalized planning kit, you can prepare for the SAT using a study plan based on your PSAT/NMSQT results and explore lists of suggested colleges, majors, and careers. Spring Get Ready for the SAT.
- Visit the SAT Preparation Center™ to take a free full-length official practice test and get a score and skills report. Be sure to sign up for The Official SAT Question of the Day™ for daily practice. Explore Colleges.
- Start visiting local colleges: large, small, public, and private. Get a feel for what works for you. Develop a list of 15-20 colleges that interest you. Search for colleges and use My College List. Prepare for AP® Exams.
- Do well on AP Exams and receive credit or placement at most colleges. Get AP Exam preparation. Plan Ahead for the Summer & Senior Year.
- Review your senior year class schedule with your counselor. Challenge yourself with honors and AP classes and stick with sequences you've begun, in the languages, for example. Read about how to select your courses.
- Plan summer activities early. Enrich yourself by volunteering, getting an interesting job or internship, or signing up for special summer learning programs. Keep Your Momentum Up This Summer.
- Visit colleges. Take campus tours and, at colleges you're serious about, schedule interviews with admissions counselors. Be sure to bring your campus visit checklist.
- Request applications from colleges to which you'll apply. Check important dates; some universities have early dates or rolling admissions. Consult the College Application Calendar and the Financial Aid Calendar for a basic idea of the applications timeline.
12th Grade
Action Plan: High School Seniors Fall
- Pulling Your Applications Together.
- Narrow your list of colleges to between 5 and 10 and review it with your counselor. Get an application and financial aid info from each. Visit as many as possible.
- Make a master calendar and note:
- Test dates, fees, and deadlines
- College application due dates
- Required financial aid applications and their deadlines
- Recommendations, transcripts, and other necessary materials
- Your high school's deadlines for application requests, such as your transcript.
- Ask for recommendations. Give each person your resume, a stamped, addressed envelope, and any required forms.
- Write application essays and ask teachers, parents, and friends to read first drafts. Applying Early Action or Early Decision?
- November 1: For early admissions, colleges may require test scores and applications in early November. Send your SAT® scores at
- Ask if your college offers an early estimate of financial aid eligibility Get Financial Aid Info.
- Attend financial aid info events in your area.
- Talk to your counselor about CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE® and learn about it with Completing the PROFILE.
- Use Scholarship Search at, review scholarship books, and ask your counselor about local and state funding sources. Winter Application Details.
- Most regular applications are due between January 1 and February 15. Keep copies of everything you send to colleges.
- Have your high school send your transcript to colleges.
- Contact colleges to make sure they've received all application materials. Financial Aid: Apply Early. Apply Right.
- You and your family should save this year's pay stubs to estimate income on aid forms that you'll file early next year.
- Submit your FAFSA as soon after January 1 as possible. Men 18 or older must register for the selective service to receive federal financial aid.
- Many priority financial aid deadlines fall in February. To get the most attractive award package, apply by the priority date. Keep copies of everything you send. Spring When the Letters Start Rolling In.
- You should get acceptance letters and financial aid offers by mid-April.
- Use Compare Your Aid Awards to compare awards from different colleges. Questions? Talk to financial aid officers. Not enough aid? Ask if other financing plans are available.
- If you haven't already, visit your final college before accepting. May 1: Making Your Final Choice.
- You must tell every college of your acceptance or rejection of offers of admission or financial aid by May 1. Send a deposit to the college you choose.
- Wait-listed? If you will enroll if accepted, tell the admissions director your intent and ask how to strengthen your application. Need financial aid? Ask if funds will be available if you're accepted. Summer Next Steps.
- Ask your high school to send a final transcript to your college.
- Start preparing for the year ahead.
Testing/Financial Aid/Selecting a School
- PSAT, SAT, and ACT Testing
- ASVAB Testing
- College Athletic Information
- FAFSA and College Financial Aid
- College Search Criteria
PSAT, SAT, and ACT Testing
What are the PSAT, SAT, and ACT?
The PSAT provides practice for the SAT, while the SAT and ACT are college admissions tests. Please see below for specific details of each test.
PSAT/NMSQT – The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
Duration - Approximately 2 1/2 hours; given on the third Saturday in October
Taken by - High school juniors (available to interested sophomores)
Given by - College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Frequency - One time per year (October)
Purpose - Practice for SAT and qualify for National Merit Scholarship
SAT– The Scholastic Aptitude Test
Duration - Approximately 3 1/2 hours
Taken by - Juniors and Seniors
Given by - College Board
Frequency - Seven times per year (Saturday – usually offered in October, November, December, January, March, May, June) See
Purpose - College Admissions
SAT II–Subject Test
Duration - One hour per test (maximum of three per testing date)
Taken by - Juniors and Seniors (if necessary for their college of choice)
Given by - College Board
Frequency - Six times per year (Saturday – usually offered in October, November, December, January, May, June) see
Purpose - College Admissions
ACT– The American College Testing Program
Duration - Three hours
Taken by - Juniors and Seniors
Given by - ACT
Frequency - Six times per year (Saturdays – usually offered in September, October, December, February, April, June)
Purpose - College Admissions
Are accommodations provided on the PSAT, SAT, and/or ACT for students with disabilities and/or 504 Plans?
College-bound students who have an IEP or 504 Plan and currently qualify for and actually use extended time testing or any other special accommodations with their classes at L-S may also be permitted the same accommodations when taking the PSAT, SAT, or ACT. These accommodations must be established with each test company well before the test registration deadlines, as approval for accommodations requires as application process. Please visit the ACT and College Board websites or contact the High School Guidance Office for more details.
Am I eligible for a fee waiver for the SAT or ACT Tests?
Students who qualify for free or reduced lunches may also qualify for SAT and ACT test fee waivers. If a college-bound senior or junior is planning to take these tests, please contact the a high school counselor at least two weeks before the test registration deadline for a fee waiver application.
How can I prepare for college admission tests?
Information regarding test preparation courses will be made available upon request through the High School Guidance Office. Aside from purchasing a book or seeking private tutoring, FREE practice is available by visiting the SAT website,, and the ACT website, Students can complete practice tests and review key concepts and questions on these sites.
How do I register for the SAT or ACT and what is school code?
The school code for Lampeter-Strasburg High School is 392-095.
Visit or to register for tests.
What should I know about the day of the SAT test?
The following tips will help you do your best (from
- Be well-rested and ready to go. Get a good night's sleep the night before the test.
- Eat breakfast. You'll be at the test center for several hours and you're likely to get hungry.
- Bring acceptable Photo ID and your SAT Admission Ticket.
- Bring two No. 2 pencils and a good eraser — a pencil is required for the multiple choice questions and the essay. Mechanical pencils are not allowed. Pens are not allowed.
- Bring a calculator with fresh batteries.
- Bring snacks. You will get a short break at the end of each hour of testing time. You can eat or drink any snacks you have brought with you during these breaks. A healthy snack will go a long way toward keeping you alert during the entire test.
- Plan to arrive at the test center by 7:45 a.m. Testing starts at about 8:00 a.m.
- Make sure you use a No. 2 pencil on the answer sheet. It is very important that you fill in the entire circle darkly and completely. If you change your response, erase it as completely as possible. Incomplete marks or erasures may affect your score. It is very important that you follow these instructions when filling out your answer sheet.
ASVAB Testing
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is intended for use with students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades, as well as students in post-secondary schools. The Program provides tools, including the test battery and interest inventory, developed by the Department of Defense to help high school and post-secondary students across the nation learn more about career exploration and planning. Results of the aptitude test and the interest inventory enable students to evaluate their skills, estimate performance in academic and vocational endeavors, and identify potentially satisfying careers. These results are integrated with work values to help students identify and prioritize possible career choices. Students are encouraged to consider their own work-related values and other important personal preferences as they explore the world of work and learn career exploration skills that will benefit them throughout their work lives. Please contact your school counselor for more information or visit
College Athletic Information
I plan to participate in a sport at a Division I or II school. What should I do?
NCAA Eligibility for College Athletics – Make sure you are eligible to participate in college sports.
Your Responsibility as a Prospective Student Athlete: It is your responsibility to make sure the Clearinghouse has the documents it needs to certify you. These documents are:
1. Your completed and signed Student Release Form and fee. This can be obtained online at
2. Your official transcript mailed directly from every high school you have attended. Complete a transcript release form and submit it to the Guidance Secretary.
3. Your eligibility is based on college-prep courses as defined by NCAA definitions of core courses
4. Your SAT or ACT scores
It is important to note that you may start this process after your junior year.
For information see the Athletic Director or your school counselor.
FAFSA and College Financial Aid
What is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
This is the required application for federal student aid. The FAFSA is used to determine eligibility for basic federal aid programs. Most institutions require that students apply for federal aid before they will consider them for need-based institutional aid.
Where can I obtain the FAFSA documents?
Go to, which is the Web site of the U.S. Department of Education, and download the forms. You can also download the forms from most college or university Web sites. Or pick them up at a high school counselor’s office or public library, or call the Department of Education at 800-433-3243 to have a form sent to you. Filing online will greatly speed up the processing time. Electronic filers will need a personal identification number, which can be obtained before January 1 by going to Remember, there is no fee for filing the FAFSA, which will be routed to as many as six schools of your choice. Should I wait until I’ve completed my 2006 tax return to file the FAFSA? Send in the forms as soon as possible after January 1. Even if you haven’t nailed down your taxes, you can use estimates of your income – as long as they aren’t far from the actual numbers. You will have opportunities to provide the corrected numbers later. To fill out the financial aid forms, you will need a copy of your latest federal income tax return plus all pertinent related documents, such as W-2’s and 1099’s and bank, brokerage, and mortgage statements. You’ll also need the student’s Social Security and driver’s license numbers, among other things.
Should everyone apply for financial aid?
There are so many different factors that determine aid eligibility that no one can give you a simple answer as to whether or not you are eligible for aid. Family income and assets are not the only aspects that determine eligibility for need-based aid; family size and number of children in college are almost as important. Why not apply? Don’t self-exclude
College Search Criteria
What criteria should I consider in my search for a college or technical school?
Criteria to Consider: Depending on your personal interests, the following characteristics should play a role in helping you narrow down the field of colleges.
- Public
- Private, independent
- Private, church affiliated
- Proprietary
- Very small (fewer than 1,000 students)
- Small (1,000-3,999 students)
- Medium (4,000-8,999 students)
- Large (9,000-19,999 students)
- Very large (more than 20,000 students)
- Rural
- Small town
- Suburban
- Urban
- In your hometown
- Less than 3 hours from home
- More than 3 hours from home
- Dorm
- Off-campus apartment
- Home
- Facilities and services for students with disabilities
Student Body
- All male
- All female
- Coed
Minority representation
- Primarily one religious denomination
- Primarily full-time students
- Primarily part-time students
- Primarily commuter students
- Primarily residential students
Other Criteria
- Academic Environment
- Majors offered
- Student-faculty ratio
- Faculty teaching reputation
- Instruction by professors versus teaching assistants
- Facilities (such as classrooms and labs)
- Libraries
- Independent study available
- International study available
- Internships available
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Grants
- Loans
- Work-study program
- Part-time or full-time jobs
- Support Services
- Academic counseling
- Career/placement counseling
- Personal counseling
- Student health facilities
- Activities/Social Clubs
- Clubs, organizations
- Greek life
- Athletics, intramurals
- Scholarships available
- Specialized Programs
- Honors programs
- Services for students with disabilities or special needs
What questions should I ask when I tour a college campus?
Questions to Ask on a Campus Tour
During your campus tour, you need to ask questions as well as look around. Here are some questions to consider asking. Add your own questions at the end of the list. Go over the questions with your parents before your first campus visit so they can be on the lookout for answers, too. After each visit, review the list to see if there are any other questions you might want to add.
NOTE: Read as much as you can about each college or university before you visit. Don't spend time asking questions that are answered in the school's catalog or brochures. You are visiting campuses to get a feeling for the atmosphere of each place—something you can't get from its Web site or catalog.
Questions for the Admissions Office
- Are the dorms spread throughout the campus or clustered in one area? Is there any kind of shuttle service between classroom areas, the library, the student union, and dorms? How late does it run?
- Is there any security system to bar outsiders from entering dorms?
- How large is the campus security police force? Does it patrol the campus regularly?
- What services are offered by the campus health center? How large is it?
- Does the student health center refer students to the local hospital? Is there a nearby hospital? How large is it?
Questions for Students
- How many of your courses are taught by a big-name professor and how many by a teaching assistant?
- Is the teaching innovative and project-oriented, or is it mostly lecture-oriented?
- Do most freshmen class lectures take place in an amphitheater?
- What are the strong majors? The weak majors?
- How hard do you have to work for your grades?
- What's the reputation of the _____________ department?
- How adequate for your needs is the campus computer network?
- Do fraternities and sororities dominate the social life of the college?
- What do students do on weekends? Do most go home?
- How is the advisement system? Do you feel that your professors really care?
- There are a lot of organizations on campus. Are they dominated by a few groups or is anyone welcome?
- How active is the _________ [fill in the activity in which you're interested]? Has _________ won any national awards?
Questions to Ask Yourself About the Campus Atmosphere
- While you were waiting for your interview in the admissions office, how did the staff members interact with students? Were they friendly, or did the staff approach students—both potential freshmen like you and enrolled students—as if they were interfering with the staff members' jobs?
- Was the Admissions Office a friendly and inviting place with a great deal of information about the school, or was it cold and sterile with little information to pick up?
- What did your parents find out about the career planning services offered to graduating seniors and to graduates? What do the services include?
About the Student Body
- Do most of the students seem to be like you, or are they completely different? Either way, how would you feel being in a classroom full of these students? Sharing a dorm with them?
- Do the students try to make you feel at home? Are they happy to answer your questions, or do they make you feel like you're intruding? How do they interact with one another?
About the Campus
- Does the campus seem too big? Or too small?
- Do freshmen live in their own dorms? How do I feel about living in a single-sex or coed dorm?
- Are the dorms quiet or noisy? Do they seem crowded?
- How large are the rooms? Is there adequate space and light to study?
- Does each room have access to the Internet and the campus LAN?
- What's advertised on dorm and classroom bulletin boards? What does this tell me about campus life?
- How good is the lighting around each dorm and around classroom and lab buildings?
- Do the buildings and grounds look well cared for? Or do they need painting and general repair work?
- Is the grass cut, and are the grounds landscaped?
- What's the condition of the playing fields and the sports equipment?
- How is the quality of the food in the cafeteria or dining hall? How are the sizes of the portions? Is it healthy or fast food? Are there meal plans?
About the Nearby Area
- Does it look like there is much to do outside of campus?
- How easy is to get to places off campus? Are there places within walking distance?
- Do you feel comfortable and safe?
- Are there places to get extra furniture, like bookcases, for your dorm room?
- Is there a supermarket nearby to stock up on snacks and soda?
- If you move out of a dorm after freshman year, what are the options in apartment complexes or buildings?