On behalf of the staff of the Pioneer Yearbook, we would like to welcome you to our homepage. The yearbook is a cumulative review of the people, events and activities for the entire school year through stories and pictures. The staff consists of 9th through 12th graders who are interested in learning how to apply skills in the areas of journalism, photography, layout and design, and business. The staff is split into two divisions--one responsible for the creation of the book and the other responsible for all the business aspects of the organization. Our dedicated staff looks forward to once again producing a book that celebrates the many accomplishments of the students of Lampeter-Strasburg High School.
~Yearbook Staff
~Mrs. Katrina Swarr, Yearbook Advisor (senior portraits, articles, photos, etc.)
~Ms. Elizabeth Henry, Yearbook Business Advisor (yearbook orders, Ads for Grads, business ads)
It's Time to Place Your Order for the 2025 Yearbook!
This year, yearbooks will be $55. A digital name imprint can be added to the book for an additional $3 if ordered by 2/1/25. A deposit option is available for those ordering via the paper order form.
Yearbooks can be purchased at school via order forms available in the high school library and outside the office. Forms and payment should be returned to the high school library. A copy of the paper order is also posted here for your convenience: 2025 Pioneer Yearbook Order Form.
Yearbooks may also be purchased through our online ordering platform at: . The online platform accepts credit card, PayPal and eCheck. Please note that a service fee of $4.99 is applied to all online orders by our yearbook company.
Ads for Grads
Ads for Grads information was mailed home to parents/guardians of all seniors in late October. A copy of all information mailed home, including the letter to parents/guardians, Ads for Grads order form, and examples of Ads for Grads are posted below. Please note that the deadline for Ads for Grads orders is Friday, December 13, 2024. Update: Deadline for Ads for Grads orders has been extended to Friday, December 20, 2024. (Please note that the high school main office will close at 3pm on 12/20/24)
Thank you.
Ads for Grads Informational Letter
Ads for Grads Order Form
Ads for Grads Examples
Ads for Grads Questions & Answers:
How can I submit Ads for Grads orders? Ad for Grads orders may be returned via mail to Ms. Henry at the high school, or they may be dropped off at the high school library or in the designated box on the item drop off table in the high school main office lobby.
Can I submit digital pictures? Yes, Digital photos (preferably in .jpeg or .tif format) may also be submitted for inclusion in Ads for Grads. Digital items should be sent to: Please include the name of your senior in the email.
Can I submit photos? Yes, hard-copy photos can also be submitted for inclusion in Ads for Grads. All submitted photos will be returned to seniors in late May when they pick up their yearbooks.
How can I pay for my Ads for Grads order? The yearbook is able to accept cash, check payable to L-S HS or money order. We are unable to accept digital payment for Ads for Grads orders.
Additional questions? contact Ms. Elizabeth Henry, Pioneer Yearbook Business Advisor at 464-3311, x2014 or
Senior Portraits - Class of 2025
A letter to all parents/guardians outlining the senior portrait procedure was electronically shared with all students/parents/guardians in May 2024. A copy of the letter is also posted here for your convenience: Senior Portrait Letter-Class of 2025. In addition, seniors will receive information from Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch containing information regarding senior picture sessions.
L-S has contracted with Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch as our official yearbook photographer. Students will receive information from Prestige Portraits regarding scheduling their portrait appointment time. All pictures will be taken in the high school PAC in August 2024. There is no charge or sitting fee for the yearbook portrait.
If you have questions, or need to change your appointment time, please contact Prestige Portraits at 1-800-445-1189 or Additional information and answers to commonly asked questions can also be found on their website:
Students who did not have their senior portrait taken during the initial August photo sessions at L-S will be contacted in Fall 2024 regarding an on campus October 2024 Senior Portrait make-up photo session opportunity.
If any seniors were unable to to have their senior portrait taken during either the summer photo sessions or the fall makeup session on campus, they should contact Mrs. Katrina Swarr, Yearbook Advisor ( as soon as possible to determine any local deadlines for senior portraits and the possibility of arranging a make-up photo session at a Prestige studio.