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high school guidance office interior 

Mission Statement

The overall goal of the Lampeter-Strasburg High School Guidance Department is to facilitate the instruction process. We believe that every student can learn, and in a partnership with parents, it is our job to provide opportunities and resources to enable all students to accomplish developmental tasks within the areas of personal, social, educational, and career development. Mastery of these developmental skills will enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values to become responsible, productive citizens. Guidance counselors provide a wide range of services to the school community. Some of the services include counseling individual students and groups of students, overseeing standardized testing and interpreting results to parents and teachers, serving as a resource for school personnel and parents, making referrals, collaborating with agencies and private practitioners, and teaching guidance lessons.

About Guidance

We invite you to explore the many options this site has to offer. It has been designed to connect students, parents, community members and faculty to information they need to know for students' future planning as well as to explain the services offered by our team.

  • Counselor Assignment and Responsibilities: Lampeter-Strasburg High School students are assigned to counselors by alphabetical divisions. Counselors assist students with their social, emotional, and educational development. Issues include, but are not limited to, academic concerns, discipline problems, course selection, post-secondary education and career options, financial aid and scholarships, family issues, peer relationship issues, and drug and alcohol concerns. In order to reach out to all students, counselors engage in a variety of activities: one-to-one counseling, support groups, parent counseling, student/teacher/parent conferences, educational/career-focused lessons, etc. Counselors maintain an "open door" policy, making themselves readily available to students, parents, and teachers. No problem is too trivial to be discussed nor is any issue too complex that our counselors cannot offer assistance, either personally or by referral to specialists or community resources.
  • Counseling Department Location: The Counseling Office is located next to the main office. Students are encouraged to use the numerous materials on occupations and job possibilities found there. Many college and vocational school catalogs are available for browsing or careful study. Scholarship applications are also available through our office, as well as on this website. We also have resources on preparing for college interviews, financial aid, college entrance exams (SAT and ACT), and military information. Other resources include helpful booklets and brochures on numerous personal and family issues.
  • Counseling Department Office Hours: Our office is open from 7:00 AM until 3:30 PM. During the summer, please call ahead to be sure someone will be available to assist you, as counselors are not in the office every day over the summer.